Narrator: Chad has never been that messy!
(scenes wherein Chad is nice and perfect)
Narrator: But after Sonny With a Prank, you will see Chad with his biggest mess yet!
Sonny: Chad tell me what's happening!
Chad: It's nothing!
Narrator: Chad With a Mess!
Chad: I accidentally did something to Tawni!
Sonny: Just leave me alone
Narrator: ONE CHANCE
Tawni: I think you should say it was an accident
Narrator: ONE MOMENT
Grady: It's so boring!
Nico: I know right!
Chad: I know how it feels like to be in a mess so...
Sonny: So...
(Tawni is secretly looking at the door with a sad face)
Narrator: Catch all in the 2-episode flashback special, Chad with a Mess!