Did ya'll ever notice that ever since Sonny and Chad became more than friends...how those two have changed lately.When we first saw Sonny,she was all nice,bubbly,and kind.When we first saw Chad,we thought he was self-centered,stubborn,and a BIG JERK!!!But now look what happened,since they started dating Chad has become more caring,sensitive,and such a sweeeet person and Sonny is just losing it ...i mean,i dont know about ya'll but I think Sonny just got this "primma donna" attitude going on,i mean she is not as happy as she used to be before.And its almost like nothing satifies her anymore because I can tell how hard Chad is trying not to lose her but Sonny keeps pushing him away like hes not good enough.Sonny has just been kinda ungrateful,if I were in here shoes and had Chad as my boyfriend I would be the most happiest person in the world to be fortunate to be with a great guy like that!Let's see Sonny make a mistake for once and see how Chad reacts to it!No Matter how perfect they make her look...shes not...no one is,so there is no need in pressuring Chad to be something hes not!Everybody makes a mistake but that just to help them grow,Basically,now Chad is being really nice and Sonny is just plain mean( kinda) for some reason.