My Top 5 Favorite Episodes
Here are my top 5 favorite episodes of Sonny With a Chance:
1. The Heartbreak Kids
2. Cookie Monsters
3. Sonny in the Middle
4. Sonny With a Chance of Dating
5. Sonny in the Kitchen with Dinner
Where did you get Joy's name from?
Did any of the writers or actually the creator of this show think about how and where you got the names you used? I myself am pretty pissed off that you actually thought that no one, not one person on this earth, could actually have and Oximoron name like Joy Bitterman. Yes, that is my name, and I was given it long before your creator or writers ever thought of using it. l am furious that you are using my name and wish you change it. Kill the character or whatever you need to do to remove Joy Bitterman (born 8/30/57, and use your brain before you use anyone else's name. I just found out this was a show out there. Not sure if it still is, and if so, I need to have a guarrentee that you will never use my name again. It's humiliating enough, …
On fan fiction my name is Crazy-It's-True-Hey and I'm writing two stories for Austin and Ally and have started one for SWAC but I haven't uploaded it yet :)
Sonny with a Chance: On Netflix?
Hi everyone, I need ur help.
I am a huge Sonny with a Chance fan and I can't really find episodes with great quality on youtube and getting sick of it. I have made a petition to Netflix to request that they put Sonny with a Chance on there. The link is below this, so if you want it on Netflix please sign this petition.
Tween Weekly Issue 1
Selena Gomez has been spotted around Condor Studios. Why, you ask? To star in Chad Dylan Cooper's new movie Chad Dylan Cooper:The Chad Dylan Cooper Story as *gasp* Sonny! Witnesses report that the talented singer and actress of "Camp HIp Hop" quit Cooper's movie saying," I don't need this! I was in Camp Hip Hop!". Now the question is, what caused Selena to quit? Could it be that Sonny couldn't stand to watch Chad Dylan to flirt with another?
Have a scoop you would like us to check out? Comment or post on my wall!
I am Lilli Knight, and see you next time.
Sonny With A Chance Of Getting Chad Back Part 5
- 3 Weeks Later, Justin & Chad In The Commissary*
Justin: Chad, you haven't spoken to Sonny in weeks. I think you should try to get her back.
Chad: Easy for you to say. You were the one kissing her in the first place.
Justin: Chad, I'm sorry. It was a practice kiss. Besides, I wouldn't actually kiss Sonny on purpose if I knew that it was going to hurt you.
Chad: I guess you're right. What do you think I should do?
Justin: Get her back.
Chad: How? I think I totally blew it with her.
Justin: Chad, if you don't think that it'll work to even try to get her back, you're not proving to her that you truly love her.
Chad: Of course I want to try. I would do anything just to have my Sonny back in my arms again.
Justin: Well, I think you need to try to make it…
Sonny With A Chance Of Getting Chad Back Part 5 Promo
Narrator: Now that Sonny and Chad have broken up...
Justin: Chad, you haven't spoken to Sonny in weeks. I think you should try to get her back.
Chad: Easy for you to say. You were the one kissing her in the first place.
Justin: Chad, I'm sorry. It was a practice kiss. Besides, I wouldn't actually kiss Sonny on purpose if I knew that it was going to hurt you.
Selena: *comes into the commissary* JUSTIN DREW BIEBER, YOU JERKFACE!
Justin: *confused* Selena, what's up?
Selena: *scoffs* Oh, you tell me what's up, Bieber. I know you cheated on me with my best friend.
Justin: Selena, it was a practice kiss. You know that I wouldn't kiss her on purpose if I knew that it was going to hurt you in any way. Come on, Sel, you should trust me.
Narrator: Sonny ne…
Sonny With A Chance Of Getting Chad Back Part 4
- Channy The Next Day*
Sonny: I'm so happy being engaged.
Chad: Not as happy as I am. I get to spend the rest of my life with my best friend.
Sonny: Aw. *hugs him*
Chad: So, when do you want to tell our cast members?
Sonny: *thinks* I'm not sure, I think maybe we should do it during lunch. I wants both of our cast members to know at the same time.
Chad: Okay.
- At Lunch With the So Random! Cast*
Sonny: Hey, guys! *sits down*
Tawni: *notices the ring on Sonny's finger* What's that?
Sonny: What's what?
Tawni: That big rock on your ring finger.
Sonny: Um... *stutters*
Chad: *comes up behind her as if on cue* Hey, Sonny.
Sonny: Hey.
Tawni: *to Chad* Chad, what's that big rock on Sonny's ring finger?
Chad: *whispers* You haven't told them yet?
Sonny: *whispers* No,…
Sonny With A Chance Of Getting Chad Back Part 4 Promo
Narrator: Sonny and Chad just got engaged!
Sonny: I'm so happy being engaged.
Chad: Not as happy as I am. I get to spend the rest of my life with my best friend.
Sonny: Aw. *hugs him*
Narrator: When Selena's boyfriend comes to town...
???: Hey, I'm Justin Bieber. I'm looking for Sonny Munroe or Selena Gomez.
Chad: I'm Sonny's fiance. Why do you need her?
Justin: I need Sonny or Selena to play my love interest in the video for my new single, 'As Long As You Love Me'. Either of those two I would be perfectly fine with.
Chad: I think it would be best if Selena did it. I don't want my fiance's lips smacking on another guy.
Sonny & Selena: Hey, boys.
Justin & Chad: Hey, ladies.
Narrator: What will Sonny do when she finds out about the video?
Sonny: Chad, I…
Sonny With A Chance Of Getting Chad Back Part 3
- One Week Later*
Sonny: *eating in the commissary*
Chad: *comes up to her* Hey, Sonny.
Sonny: *blushes* Hey.
Chad: *sits next to her* I have an idea.
Sonny: *looks at him* What's your idea?
Chad: We should go on a date, again.
Sonny:What kind of date? No cheesy sushi, billboard, Mexican restaurant, bike riding, beach, kissing booth thing right? Because that would be bad. Not that those dates weren't fun, but, I don't want a repeat. I want something different. We haven't gone to a movie yet.
Chad: We should go to a movie. That sounds like fun.
Sonny: Great! If that's okay with you, I'll choose the movie.
Chad: Well, I really want to see 'Spring Breakers'.
Sonny: Chad, that movie hasn't even come out yet.
Chad: Oh, right. Sorry.
Sonny: I want to see 'Les …
sonny with a chance 3 story
umm.... well you know am big fan of sonny with a chance just like you all and i also love channy and so i just made up a story of sonny with a chance season 3
well it goes like this:
Sonny With A Chance Of Chad Part 3 Promo
Narrator: Now that Sonny and Chad have gotten back together, again...
Chad: Hey, Sonny.
Sonny: *blushes* Hey.
Narrator: Chad has a big idea!
Chad: We should go on a date, again.
Sonny: What kind of date? No cheesy sushi, billboard, Mexican restaurant, bike riding, beach, kissing booth thing right? Because that would be bad. Not that those dates weren't fun, but, I don't want a repeat. I want something different. We haven't gone to a movie yet.
Chad: We should go to a movie.
Narrator: But, the date was a big mistake!
Sonny: Chad, we can't watch the movie in peace. Look at all these people. *looks at all the people staring at them*
Chad: Yeah, you're right. We should go to the Staples Center and watch a movie there. It's all sold out. I snagged the l…
My Thoughts On So Random!
Okay, so i recently saw Tiffany Thornton (Tawni) being interviewed on ClevverTV, and i heard her mention that So Random hasn't been taken on for another season? So i looked more into it, and they've said its down to low ratings. I think thats so stupid! I love Sonny With A Chance dont get me wrong, its like my favorite show ever! But people who are fans of SWAC should be grateful to Steve Marmel for trying to make at least a little bit of SWAC live on after Demi left. I agree when people say "Its not the same without Demi", because it isn't, but you can't carry on Sonny With A Chance without Sonny! I personally, really like So Random, it makes me laugh to a point where tears are streaming down my face and i think its really unfortunate and…
Sonny With A Chance Of Getting Chad Back Part 2
- The Next Day*
Sonny: *sleeping*
Chad: *knocks on her bedroom door* Knock, knock!
Sonny: *no response, turns around*
Chad: *sits on her bed* Sonny?
Sonny: *opens her eyes, sees Chad, smiles* Oh, hey. What's up? *sits up*
Chad: *smiles* I missed you. *kisses her*
Sonny: *checks her watch* It's 2:30 in the morning.
Chad: Oh, I knew that. See you later, Sonshine. *leaves*
Sonny: Chad! Stay here! Get in bed! *moves over*
Chad: *jumps into her bed, puts his arms around Sonny* I love you, Sonshine.
Sonny: I love you too, Chad. *kisses him, falls back asleep. Thinks: Chad makes me feel special. Whenever I'm with him, I feel protected. I feel as if he's 'The One'. I wonder if he feels the same way aboout me as well.*
Chad: *Thinks: Sonny makes me feel special.…
Promo Of A Sonny With A Chance Episode
Narrator: Now that Sonny and Chad have gotten back together...
Sonny: I missed you! *hugs Chad*
Chad: I missed you more!
Narrator: Condor Studios turned upside down!
Mr. Condor: We need to seperate Chad and Sonny again!
Marshall: Mr. Condor, Sonny and Chad are most likely gonna get married! I don't want to break her happiness!
Mr. Condor: What about Cassie? Can't those two date again?
Marshall: No! Cassie was mad in love with Chad! Chad was mad in love with Sonny!
Chad: Sonny! *sees her walking to the Commisary, catches up with her* Can I talk to you for a second?
Sonny: *mad* Chad! What do you want? I know what you did?
Chad: Are you talking about...
Sonny: YES!
Narrator: Things are going to change on Sonny With A Chance starting Sun…
Sonny With A Chance Of Getting Chad Back part 1 episode 1 season 1
Sonny: *driving to the So Random! set, iPhone starts buzzing* Now what? I'm almost there! *checks her phone, new text message from Tawni*
Text message:
Sonny, where r u? It's an emergency! Tawni
Sonny: *pulls into a parking spot, gets out of her car, replies*
Text message:
Sorry, Tawn. I am walking in right now. Wat is the emergency?
Tawni: *reads Sonny's text, about to reply*
Sonny: TAWNI! *runs in her dressing room*
Tawni: *sees her* Hey, Sonny. How's the girl who's been single for a year doing?
Sonny: *ignores her* Tawni, the more Chad and I aren't dating, the more I wanna strangle his new girlfriend.
Tawni: Hun, at least you haven't been able to move on. Chad moved on, with Cassie! (the girl who works at the Condor Studios front desk, made up ch…
Sonny With A Chance Of Getting Chad Back (Promo)
This is a promo for a new Channy story I might put up on this wiki.
Narrator: When Chad gets a new girl...
Sonny: The longer Chad and I aren't dating, the more I wanna strangle his new girlfriend.
Narrator: Sonny loses her head!
Tawni: Aw, honey, you and Chad broke up a year ago! Get over him already! He's happy dating Cassie. (the girl who works at the Condor Studios front desk, made up character)
Sonny: Cassie and I were gonna hang out after she gets off of work. We were gonna go shopping at the mall.
Cassie: *walks in* Hey, Sonny. Tawni. *looks disgusted at Tawni*
Narrator: Until...
Chad: Sonny! Can I talk to you?
Sonny: *feels awkward* Sure. What about?
Chad: I need to tell you how I feel about you.
Sonny: *feels uneasy* Okay.
Chad: Sonny, I...
Editing User Pages Policy! You need to read this!
Okay, so, it has come to my attention that on this wiki some people have been changing user pages. I'm not naming users that are doing it, or users that are victims. I just wanna explain some policies I believe should be made on this wiki. In the comments section, if you were someone who's doing it, I don't want you to say you've been doing it. Just explain if you've had experience with this situation. I will give you some advice on policies you should do:
- Ask the owner of the user if you are allowed to edit their page.
- Don't write things you wouldn't put on your own user page.
- Be honest. If you lie on someone else's user page, that will turn everyone who read your user page before it was edited against you.
- DON'T, I mean, DON'T change the ava…
Tawni Hart Attractive
Hey. I think Tawni Hart is the most attractive Girl on the show. Anyone who puts a comment must think of a best moment with her.
Being Sick Stinks
SICK! Nothing worse than being sick! The only perk in being sick is sitting on the couch with my boo and him making me whatever I want for dinner, RAVIOLI! Liam, I love you! What is the worse part about being sick for you all? Let me know in the comments section!
Miley Ray Cyrus
part 2 of sonny with a skateboard compitition
if u have not heard part 1 then go to create a sonny with a chance episode oh and i got lots of comments like cool great thatis wow intresing thx 4 the comment but u r sopupsed 2 write ur own scritps i have been trying 2 tell u that since my first comment any way part 2 of sonny with a skateboard compitition
at sonnys apartment :
connie : hey honnie i heard
sonny : what how did you find out i faild my maths test
connie : what was that
sonny : nevermind mom so what did u hear about
connie : the skateboard compition
sonny : oh yeah that reminds me gotta go pack
connie : you no sonny u r aloud 2 bring a guest * smiling and droping hints she wants 2 go 2 new york *
sonny : i no chad was so happy when i invited him
connie : ohh chad yes he is very err so…
Tired of Ketchup.
Just added a Ketchup On Everything page. Ketchup is still buzzing in my head. I think I will stuff my head into a pillow now.
Sooooooooo bored
I'm soooooooooo bored right now!!!! It's 12:30 am!!!! Shouldn't I be in bed by now???? Hmmmmmmmm.............
Another So Random! Wikia
THERE'S ANOTHER SO RANDOM WIKIA!!!! CLICK HERE! What should we do!!! NeneG Leave me a message! 15:41, July 18, 2011 (UTC)
create your own sonny with a chance episode !
hey guys i was thinking people dont write fanfiction as much as u used too why it was a great and fun thing 2 do just cuz swa has fidished doesnt mean we should stop writting episodes on the wiki its what its for to show your ideas about the show here is my fan fiction and plz no bad comments !
this epi is gonna take place in hollywood in condor studios in chads dressing room at first .
sonny comes knoking on chads door like crazy
sonny : chad chad open up
chad * opens door * what sonny what i was reading my scritps *
sonny : sorry but i got big news
chad : what is ma'lady
sonny : well u no that this year there is a skateboarding comitition in new york
chad : well yeah who wouldnlt no about it so err your point
sonny : well u know tony halk hosts i…
The government is currently trying to pass a bill that will affect all of us, in an extremely negative way. It is the reason why so many PnF uploaders lost their YouTube account. It is called Bill S. 978. It must be stopped. It will effect us all, by not letting us watch PnF on YouTube. But it will also affect our individual wants. This restricts the upload of any kind of copyrighted materials. Parodies and Game reviews are also on the list
This bill means:
- No more watching ANY kinds of shows on Youtube (including So Random! and Sonny With A Chance)
- No more fan/fanart videos
- No more Screwattack
- No more DBZ abridged
- No more game reviews
- No more game walkthroughs (for whoever isn't good enough to beat the game without help :/)
- No more Parodies of so…
Who's Your Best Friend on This Wiki?
So, I have to know: Who's your best friend on "Sonny With A Chance Wiki"?
Mine is:
This person has to see this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sonny, you have to read this blog post... PLEASE! I will ask you on your blog if you can see this.
Demi Lovato's New Single - SkyScraper Cover!
OMG! Demi's Lovato's new single cover! :D xxxxxxxxxx
What dya think???????????
YouTube Subscribers and uStream
hey guys! So hope u guys subscribe to my YouTube, nickdisneyfan28. gonna do a Demi tribute soon. it depends on my time to make it. Anyways, I'm wondering even though I'm not famous, if I have 50 subscribers, i'll do a ustream which is FAAAR FAAAR AAWAAAAAAYYYYY cuz i only have 10 and I'm busy for school. Hope you guys subscribe! the ustream is just for answering your questions or random stuff you guys want! hope you subscribe guys. It's night here in the philippines so GOODNIGHT!
Get Sonny Munroe back!!!!!
So Random! is cool,awesome,and good but you guys know what would make it bettter? SONNY MUNROE!!!! If you have a twitter and want to get Sonny back follow me as @SonnyPropHouse and we'll get her back! If you have a fanpop,add MsPropHouse (Me) and We'll start a revoulution!
New Double!
Hey! So today I finally have my new stunt double! the name is...Chaz II! haha iknow it's laaame but still! And i wont be using him for me and sonny's dates already cuz...oh doctober second HAHA. and for sonny...It's CHAZZZZZ the SECONDDDD not CHADDDDDD! anyways, the new double is soo different from me now. He has a girlfriend who is muh sister! Not wesley! and they started dating a few hours ago. but nicole thinks it's awkward to date a person who like her brother. Yeah, SO true. Anyways, their first date was a while ago which is like a "Get to know each other" one. they look cute together. WOW. AWKWAAARD. anyways, i have no idea if wesley is jealous. The different part is that his hair is flattened and mine's standing! :)) Anyways, isn't …
Marriage Class Assignment......
Hey guys! Guess what! Today Chad got a text from Mr. Condor saying that I switched classes because Ms. Bitterman is sad about her cat........ Ummm... So, my new teacher thought that it would be a good idea to do a project. A project that involved some work. SHE ASSIGNED EVERYONE TO BE A MARRIED COUPLE!!! and I got Chad...... ;) um.... But, the thing about that is that me and Chad have to move un together... SEPERATE ROOMS SO DON'T ASK. (please keep comments appropriate!) but yeah....that will last 2 weeks.... :)
Upcoming So Random!!!
Hey guys! So I'm almost done filming the third season of So Random! but the first in Disney Channel cuz they showed like our lives amd called it Sonny With a Chance! Anyways, in the upcoming So Random! episodes, I will be playing random characters! I will play Taylor Lautner as Jacob in somewhat a Twilight parody. haha. leave ur thoughts here! :)) PEACE OUT!!!
other shows
Hey guys! So gelo here. i won't be doing fanfic often so that it'll finish in 1 year or something. Im also busy for school, I roleplay, and twitter. So im quite busy. anyways, what are the other shows u watch? I watch iCarly, Victorious, Phineas and Ferb, WOWP, Spongebob, and sometimes glee. :) What's yours?
First Month and Chad Day!
Hey guys! Chad here. So me and Sonny's first month was yesterday and sent texts to Gelo Fabian cuz he's like one of my best friends. So me and Sonny celebrated our one-month anniversary with no more Chazzzzzz. So I hate mexican so we went to Japaneseee! Yeah japanese rocksssss. We also went to a bike date which I survived! HAHA. And I also used my new twitter account! it's @officialchad (roleplay only) and now have 2,000 followers! hoping i get 5,000 sooooon. Anyways, so Mr. Condor assigned like days for the celebs. And it's Chad day tomorrow! :)) can't waait. so ask questions! :)) (please don't post inappropriate! zukogray thanks for the info)
Roleplay and Policy
Hey guys, just wanted to talk about policy and how it applies to roleplay, because I've been seeing some policy violations in roleplay posts and comments. Please remember that neither swearing nor adult content is allowed on the wiki--everything must be G-rated. (If you're not sure what qualifies as "swearing", just ask yourself if you've heard them say it on Sonny With a Chance or So Random!) I'm going to go through and delete some inappropriate comments, possibly edit a few blog posts as well, and I feel I should warn you guys that if roleplay ends up encouraging a lot of inappropriate stuff, I'll have no choice but to ban it from the wiki. However, as long as people are more careful, there's no need to go to such extreme measures. :) If you…
More DEEP Questions for Wesley Williger
Hey guys! Well, if you haven't seen our big conversation on Chad's Wisconsin Questions! page between Chad, Wesley, and I. It was really fun! (me and Chad aka Gelo Fabian were joking around on twitter) But Chad wrote a blog for Wesley with questions for him. And this is another blog with more questions about Nicole that I want Wesley to awnser. Anyone can leave questions in the comments for Wesley to awnser.
1. How long do your kisses usually last?
2. Removed by admin
3.Who starts the kisses?
4. Removed by admin
5. What did Nicole do with her ruined dress.
6. Did you know that Zora is really hurt?
7. What is 22-31=?
Really Wesley? Really?
Hey guys! For Wesley, are you sure that Nicole is hot? I mean she's so normal. And i found this pic in zaplook of
Nicole with her dress in your BEACH DATE! Well ur not in it haha. And fact! Wesley is months older than Nicole! Wesley is 15 and Nicole is 14.
Wesley Williger Questions!
- Beach in the NIGHT?! Why not morning!
- How many dates?!
- How many times did u guys kiss?! U guys are only dating for like 1 month!
- Whatelse did you guys do?!
I may have more if Wesley answers with even more puzzling questions. WESLEY ANSWER! Chad Loves Sonny and Wesley Watch Out!